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How to Become More Creative in Art acrylic painting class acrylic painting course acrylic paints art for relaxation art heals art supplies art therapy artistic expression artistic journey barbara burns barbara lynn burns creation creative outlet creativity how to become more creative in art mindful art mixed media art more art less stress painting class painting on rocks painting rocks painting with acrylics rock painting stress relief art tips for painting for beginners Mar 14, 2024

How to Become More Creative in Art: 10 Tips to Spark Your Creativity


Creativity is the lifeblood of art. It's what sets masterpieces apart from mere imitations. Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned artist, nurturing your creative spark is essential for growth and innovation in...

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TuesdayToolsAndTechniques March 5 abstract painting art for relaxation art heals art supplies art therapy arteza metallic watercolor arteza metallic watercolours artistic expression artisticjourney barbara lynn burns best professional metallic watercolor best watercolours creative outlet mindful art mixed media art more art less stress simple watercolours stress relief art Mar 05, 2024

Unleashing Creativity with Arteza Metallic Watercolours: Best Professional Metal Watercolours for Your #TuesdayToolsAndTechniques

Welcome to another #TuesdayToolsAndTechniques, where we dive into the world of art materials and techniques. Today's spotlight is on the incredible Arteza Metallic...

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#TuesdayToolsAndTechniques February 20 #tuesdaytoolsandtechniques abstract painting acrylic painting course acrylic paints alcohol markers art for relaxation art heals art supplies artistic expression barbara lynn burns how to blend alcohol markers mindful art mixed media art more art less stress painting painting on rocks painting rocks painting with acrylics soulful rocks stress relief art Feb 20, 2024

The World of Alcohol Markers

Hello, extraordinary individual! Welcome to another edition of #TuesdayToolAndTechniques. Today's spotlight is on the fascinating realm of alcohol markers. While we've touched on them before, this week, let's delve deeper into the enchanting world of blending that...

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#TuesdayToolsAndTechniques February 6 #barbaralynnburns #tuesdaytoolsandtechniques art for relaxation art heals art supplies art therapy artistic expression artistic journey brush carrier brushes creative outlet mindful art mixed media art more art less stress stress free art travel with brushes women in art Feb 06, 2024

Unleash Your Creativity on the Go: The Art of Brush Carriers


Welcome to another exciting edition of #TuesdayToolsAndTechniques! Today, as we delve into the realms of art, we're exploring a crucial aspect for every artist on the move – the brush carrier. Imagine you're about...

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#TuesdayToolsAndTechniques January 2 #arttherapy #tuesdaytoolsandtechniques acrylic painting class acrylic painting course acrylic paints art for relaxation art heals artistic expression artistic journey barbara lynn burns creativeoutlet mindful mindful art mixedmediaart more art less stress paint painting painting class painting on rocks painting rocks painting with acrylics stress relief art women in art Jan 02, 2024

Unleashing Creativity: Exploring the Magic of Watercolour Pencil Crayons in Art and Wellness


Welcome back to another inspiring Tuesday on our blog and vlog! Today, we're diving into the fascinating world of watercolour pencil crayons – a versatile and vibrant art medium that...

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Are you Ready to Finally Start Painting?

The Beginner's Guide to Acrylics will give you all the information you need to start painting! It is something I wish I had when I first started with acrylics. Inside is a

  • checklist of supplies needed,
  • a list of colours to make all the colours of the world and more!

This is your first step in learning about acrylics. The sooner you start, the sooner you paint!

I want this Guide!