Crafting Creativity: A Journey Through My Adult Writing Class
Welcome to another edition of #WednesdayWins, where I take a moment to reflect on the positive aspects of life. Today, I am thrilled to share my experience in the adult writing class that has become a highlight of my...
Unleashing Creativity: How to Use Acrylic Inks - #TuesdayToolsAndTechniques
Welcome to another edition of #TuesdayToolsAndTechniques! In today's blog and vlog, we delve into the vibrant world of acrylic inks and explore the myriad ways to unleash your creativity using this dynamic...
The World of Alcohol Markers
Hello, extraordinary individual! Welcome to another edition of #TuesdayToolAndTechniques. Today's spotlight is on the fascinating realm of alcohol markers. While we've touched on them before, this week, let's delve deeper into the enchanting world of blending that...
Taking Action Toward Your Resolutions: A Daily Ritual for Success
Welcome back to #FridayFinds, where every Friday, we delve into the realms of art and wellness to discover new inspirations for a better life. As we bid farewell to January and hold onto the promises we made...
Unveiling the Artistic Arsenal: A Dive into the World of Artist Brushes
Greetings, art enthusiasts! Today's edition of #TuesdayToolsAndTechniques is all about unleashing the creative power of artist brushes. As we delve into the diverse realm of brushes, each with its unique...
Unleash Your Productivity: The Power of Pomodoro Technique in Time Management
Happy Friday, dear readers! As we embrace the end of the week, it's time for another edition of #FridayFinds. Today, I am excited to share a game-changing discovery in the realm of wellness and productivity: the...
Unlocking Adventures: Exploring Your Favorite Way to Travel
Greetings, fellow adventurers! It's another thrilling #ThirdDegreeThursday, and today we're diving into the exciting realm of travel. Picture this: the wind in your hair, the open road ahead, or maybe the clouds...
Exploring the Diverse World of Acrylic Paints: #TuesdayToolsAndTechniques
Welcome back to another edition of #TuesdayToolsAndTechniques! This week, we're diving into the colorful realm of acrylic paints. Whether you're an experienced artist or a craft enthusiast, understanding the...
Unleashing Creativity with Gelli Plates: A Guide to Mono Printing Magic
Happy #FridayFinds, creative souls! Today, I'm thrilled to share with you a recent discovery that has ignited my artistic spirit – the Gelli Plate. This innovative tool is a game-changer for anyone...
Unleashing Creativity: #FridayFinds Art Adventure
Happy Friday, art enthusiasts! Welcome back to another edition of #FridayFinds, where we explore the realms of creativity and wellness. Today's discovery led me on an exciting journey around my house, unearthing everyday items that...
Dive into the Live Experience: Art & Soul Insider Creation Time
Welcome to another #ThirdDegreeThursday, where we spark conversations and explore the vibrant world of live broadcasts! Today's question is one that connects us through shared experiences: Have you ever taken part...
Embracing #WednesdayWins: A Gratitude Celebration for Warmth and Shelter
Welcome back to another edition of #WednesdayWins, where we take a moment to reflect on the positive aspects of our lives. Today, as the winter chill tightens its grip, let's delve into the warmth that...
Are you Ready to Finally Start Painting?
The Beginner's Guide to Acrylics will give you all the information you need to start painting! It is something I wish I had when I first started with acrylics. Inside is a
- checklist of supplies needed,
- a list of colours to make all the colours of the world and more!
This is your first step in learning about acrylics. The sooner you start, the sooner you paint!
I want this Guide!