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#FridayFinds July 21 #fridayfinds abstract painting acrylic painting class acrylic paints baohong watercolour paper bargain chinese watercolour paper deal friday finds makena the cat my world rocks my world rocks! my world rocks! class my world rocks! course paint painting painting class painting on rocks painting rocks painting with acrylics rock painting temu watercolor watercolor pad watercolors watercolour & ink watercolour pad watercolours Jul 21, 2023


Hey there, fellow art enthusiasts! Welcome to another exciting edition of #FridayFinds, where we discover hidden gems that add a splash of joy to our creative journeys. This week's treasure revolves around the wonderful world of watercolour paper - and let me tell you, it's...

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SFM proud of artwork barbaraburns barbaralynnburns barbaralynnburnsdotcom believeinyourself createyourdreamlife empoweringaffirmations fulfillmentandjoy it is safe for me journeyofselfempowerment positivethoughtsleadtoaction safe for me safe for me affirmations selfcareisessential selfworthmatters sfm proud of artwork transformyourlife youareimportant Jul 19, 2023

Gentle Reminder

Welcome to the wonderful world of art, where creativity flows and self-expression knows no bounds! Today's affirmation is a gentle reminder that it is absolutely safe and heartwarming to be proud of your remarkable work, no matter where you are on your artistic journey....

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#WednesdayWins July 19 #wednesdaywins abstract painting acrylic acrylic painting class acrylic paints clear sky facebook facebook art & soul insider group live live creating on facebook live event live: art & soul creation my world rocks my world rocks! my world rocks! class my world rocks! course open windows paint painting painting class painting on rocks painting rocks painting with acrylics rock painting smoke free the beginner's guide to acrylics wednesday wins wednesdaywins Jul 19, 2023

Isn't it amazing how the simplest things can bring so much gratitude? Today is a #WednesdayWins kind of day for me, and I couldn't wait to share it with you! This morning, I woke up, glanced out of my window, and there it was – a clear, smoke-free sky!

You see, we've been dealing with...

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#FridayFinds July 14 #fridayfinds acrylic painting class acrylic paints facebook facebook art & soul insider group friday finds kuretake gansai tambi watercolors kurtake gansai tambi kurtake gansai tambi watercolours live live creating on facebook live event live: art & soul creation my world rocks my world rocks! my world rocks! class my world rocks! course paint painting painting class painting on rocks painting rocks rock painting Jul 14, 2023

Introducing #FridayFinds! We've stumbled upon something truly special, both unfamiliar in appearance and yet incredibly useful. Allow me to present the amazing Kuretake Gansai Tambi watercolours!

Prepare to be enchanted by this exquisite watercolour set, brimming with 48 pans of vibrant hues!...

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#ThirdDegreeThursday July 13 #thirddegreethursday acrylic acrylic painting class acrylic paints facebook facebook art & soul insider group instagram live live creating on facebook live event live: art & soul creation my world rocks my world rocks! my world rocks! class my world rocks! course paint painting painting class painting on rocks painting rocks painting with acrylics rock painting the beginner's guide to acrylics third degree thursday thirddegreethursday threads twitter Jul 13, 2023

Introducing Threads: A New Social Media Platform Connecting Us All

Greetings, dear readers, and happy #ThirdDegreeThursday! Today, I'm excited to share some news about a fresh addition to the world of social media. Allow me to introduce you to Threads, the latest platform that has got everyone...

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SFM take up space #sfm barbara burns barbara lynn burns barbaraburns barbaralynnburns barbaralynnburnsdotcom believeinyourself createyourdreamlife empoweringaffirmations fulfillmentandjoy it is safe for me positivethoughtsleadtoaction safe for me safe for me affirmations self care selfcareisessential selfworthmatters sfm youareimportant Jul 12, 2023

Hey there!

I completely understand your desire to set up a dedicated area for your art supplies and projects, even when it feels like your home is bursting at the seams. Starting out, it's rare for anyone to have an entire room or separate space solely for their creative endeavors. But don't...

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GIVEAWAY July 11 2023 #tuesdaytoolsandtechniques acrylic painting class art class art course art lessons online brush care color wheel colour wheel course fundamental acrylic trio giveaway instagram instagram giveaway learning online online painting with acrylics Jul 11, 2023

Hey there, lovely people!

Guess what? I've got some exciting news that's bound to bring a splash of color and joy to your day!

As a firm believer in the power of art to heal and reduce stress, I've decided to host a fantastic giveaway! And let me tell you, it's all about unleashing your inner...

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#TuesdayToolsAndTechniques July 11 #tuesdaytoolsandtechniques acrylic acrylic inks acrylic painting class acrylic paints beginner's guide to acrylics facebook facebook art & soul insider group fashion live live creating on facebook live event live: art & soul creation neutral colors neutral colours prang watercolour set the beginner's guide to acrylics tuesday tools and techniques tuesdaytoolsandtechniques watercolor watercolor pad watercolors watercolour & ink watercolour pad watercolours Jul 11, 2023

Neutral Colors

Hey there, folks! It's time to dive into another exciting edition of #TuesdayToolsAndTechniques! Today, we're talking about the fabulous world of neutral colors. Did you know that there are not just three, but five neutral colors? Oh, yes! It's a fascinating palette to explore.


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#FridayFinds July 7 #fridayfinds acrylic acrylic painting class acrylic paints art creation art supplies beginner's guide to acrylics color wheel colour wheel facebook facebook art & soul insider group friday finds live live creating on facebook live event live: art & soul creation my world rocks my world rocks! my world rocks! class my world rocks! course temu the beginner's guide to acrylics watercolor pad watercolour pad Jul 07, 2023


Hey there, folks! It's time for another edition of #FridayFinds, your friendly online treasure hunt. Let me share an exciting discovery I made about a month ago. I stumbled upon an amazing email retail business called Temu, and boy, do they offer some fantastic deals!

Colour Wheel

One thing...

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#ThirdDegreeThursday July 6 #thirddegreethursday abstract painting acrylic acrylic inks acrylic painting class acrylic paints beginner's guide to acrylics facebook facebook art & soul insider group live live creating on facebook live event live: art & soul creation my world rocks my world rocks! my world rocks! class my world rocks! course snacks the beginner's guide to acrylics third degree thursday thirddegreethursday Jul 06, 2023

Happy #ThirdDegreeThursday! It's time for some fun and interactive questioning!

This season is all about enjoying the great outdoors and spending quality time with friends and family, whether it's at the lake, by the pool, or in your own backyard. It's the perfect opportunity to relax and have a...

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Are you Ready to Finally Start Painting?

The Beginner's Guide to Acrylics will give you all the information you need to start painting! It is something I wish I had when I first started with acrylics. Inside is a

  • checklist of supplies needed,
  • a list of colours to make all the colours of the world and more!

This is your first step in learning about acrylics. The sooner you start, the sooner you paint!

I want this Guide!