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April 14 WednesdayWins athr beauty recycle recycling salt new york seint makeup wednesdaywins Apr 14, 2021

Today's #WednesdayWins is all about recycling. The beauty industry counts for the majoity of waste in the landfill. There are three makeup lines that I know of that are being more conscious about their product waste. Athr Beauty is 100% recyclable!! While Seint makeup and Salt New York has tins...

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Are you Ready to Finally Start Painting?

The Beginner's Guide to Acrylics will give you all the information you need to start painting! It is something I wish I had when I first started with acrylics. Inside is a

  • checklist of supplies needed,
  • a list of colours to make all the colours of the world and more!

This is your first step in learning about acrylics. The sooner you start, the sooner you paint!

I want this Guide!