Terms of Service for Online Classes
Effective date: January 1, 2021
By registering to any of Barbara Lynn Burns’ online classes, you agree to the following:
- All sales are final, after a seven day window. We offer a refund within the first 7 days of your purchase. If 7 days have passed since your purchase, you will not be offered a refund and/or exchange of any kind.
- Your registration gives you personal and individual access only. You will not share your classroom login with anyone, out of respect for your teacher, fellow participants and your own integrity.
- You will not display publicly or online, or share in any manner to other parties any part of the class, including the videos. All contents of the classes are protected by copyright law.
- You have high-speed internet access as well as an up-to-date device and web browser to view class content, load pages containing multiple images and videos, with enough bandwidth to be adapted to viewing high resolution video streaming without any annoying interruptions or breaks in internet connections.
- You have a printer to print out required images and pages for class.
- You are committed to being respectful of fellow participants and of your teacher at all times, and to respect the present terms. Should you fail to do so, we reserve the right to temporarily suspend or permanently delete your member account, including access to all our online classes, paid or unpaid, as well as our Community Forum and Facebook group, without notice or refund and at our sole discretion.
- We are not, under any circumstances, responsible for any incident, injury, loss or damage that may occur to you as you take the class. We advise you to get acquainted with any safety measures that the use of your supplies, tools and materials may require.
- We offer a refund within the first 7 days of your purchase. If 7 days have passed since your purchase, you will NOT be offered a refund and/or exchange of any kind. Therefore, make sure you agree to these terms and our privacy policy before signing up and read the Frequently Asked Questions for more information about the way our online classes work. We have done our best to provide all the necessary information for you to make an informed decision. Contact us for any other pre-sale question at [email protected]. No refunds will be made.
- In case you are having any difficulty accessing the class, contact us by email at [email protected]. Please understand that an issue on our side would affect all users. If this is the case, we will do our best to resolve it as soon as possible and will keep you informed. If everything is running smoothly on our side, we may be able to offer helpful suggestions but we cannot take responsibility for your individual technical issues (which may be due to your internet connection, electronic device, web browser, cookie settings, interference of other applications, add-ons and plugins you may have installed etc.). We recommend watching the contents of the class on a desktop or laptop computer. No refunds will be made.
- We are not responsible for any malfunction or interruptions of service on the part of the website hosting platform, login service provider, video hosting platform, social media or your internet provider. No refunds will be made.
- If any unexpected life event prevents you from taking the class as you had planned, remember that you have lifetime access and that the class will still be available whenever you are ready. If you do not think that you will ever be able to take the class you have purchased, and if you haven’t started viewing the contents, contact us and we can discuss transferring your seat to a friend. No refunds will be made.
- The online class is a paid service delivered online in a password-protected classroom website at www.barbaralynnburns.com/library.
- The service you purchase consists of your access to the class contents and to the Art & Soul Insider Community.
- The class contents are composed of text, images, videos, audios and links, all of which are accessible directly from within the classroom site.
- An email will be sent to you shortly after your registration if the class has instant access or when the class starts if the class doesn’t have instant access.
- This email will be sent to the email address you used upon registration.
- Our paid classes have "lifetime access". In this instance, the term "lifetime" means for as long as we are operating our business.
- We are not responsible for any malfunction or interruptions of service on the part of the website hosting platform, login service provider, video hosting platform, social media or your internet provider.
- We reserve the right to modify or update the contents of the class at anytime.
- These online classes are meant for enjoyment, fun and inspiration. They are not, under any circumstances, meant as professional, academic or medical training. There are no grades, no schedule, no assignments and no certificates of completion.
- We do our best to make the classes as detailed and informative as possible, so you can follow on your own. Further interaction with your teacher is a bonus and a privilege. It is not, under any circumstances, part of the service you pay for when you register for an online class.
- ART & SOUL INSIDER COMMUNITY FORUM: A private community forum within the teaching site is available for you to connect with your fellow classmates and your teacher. This is intended as an optional, private, safe and inspiring space for all participants. Should you choose to post in the forum, you agree to be respectful of your fellow participants and of your teacher at all times, and never share any information posted there outside of the forum. We reserve the right to delete any post or comment at any time. Any disrespectful or offensive post or comment will be deleted immediately. We reserve the right to temporarily suspend or permanently delete your member account, including access to all our online classes, paid or unpaid. No refunds will be made.
- The Art & Soul Insider Community Forum is first and foremost an opportunity for fellow students to connect and support each other. This is the place to ask your class-related questions, so that everyone can benefit, learn and contribute. Please refrain from asking these by email, private messaging or within the Facebook group. If you do, we will kindly ask you to post them again in the Art & Soul Insider Community Forum.
- Your teacher will interact in the Art & Soul Insider Community Forum as time allows, typically two or three times a week, Monday to Friday, to support and encourage participants, as well as answer questions. Nevertheless, she should not be expected to give individual feedback, nor to systematically answer all questions or comment on every post. As stated above, interaction with your teacher is a bonus and is not part of the service you pay for when you register for a class.
- Every year your teacher will take several weeks off for family time, trainings, art retreats, preparing for art shows etc. She will not be available to interact with students at those times. We will inform members a few days ahead.
- EMAILS: For administrative or technical questions (class access, invoices, etc.), please contact us by email only at [email protected]. Do not post this type of request in the Community Forum, on Facebook or by private messaging. Furthermore, you agree to remain polite, patient and respectful throughout all email interactions. Disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated and we reserve the right block any email address as well as temporarily suspend or permanently delete any member account, including access to all our online classes, paid or unpaid, without notice or refund, at our sole discretion.
- For payment plans, the course's total price will be higher than the regular price, to ensure that we can continue to offer the convenience of payment plans.
- The total price will be clearly stated on the payment plans page and will be split into equal recurring payments.
- The first payment is made when you register and recurring payments (2 or 3 according to your payment plan) will occur every month on the same date.
- The first installment must be paid to get access to the classroom.
- In case of default payment, your access to the concerned class will be suspended and will be restored when the instalment is paid. There will be no refund of paid instalments.
Please read our general privacy policy here. Additionally, by signing up to our online class, you agree that:
- You give permission for your email address to be added to our email list. We may send you information about our other classes and art-related content that we think may be of interest to you. You can edit your preferences at any time by clicking the Preferences link at the bottom of our emails. We advise you not to click the Unsubscribe link as this would erase you from our database and would prevent us from sending you important information regarding your access to the class (such as login changes).
- You give permission to Barbara Lynn Burns to use any images you submit for class, whether on the classroom site, by email or in the Facebook group, to be used in any future class-related marketing or promotional strategies, online or offline. You will always be credited and will retain the rights to your work. If you want your images removed, please contact us at blb@barbaralynnburns.com.
- You give permission to Barbara Lynn Burns to use any testimonials you submit on the class’s feedback form, in the class comments, community forum or Facebook comments, to be used in any future class-related marketing or promotional strategies, online or offline. If you wish your testimonial to be anonymous or removed, please contact us at blb@barbaralynnburns.com.
- The online class may include contents provided by other contributors. These contents remain the sole property of their respective authors. Like all contents in our classes and our website, they are protected by copyright law.
We may, at our sole discretion, modify or update these Terms of Service for Online Classes as well as our Privacy Policy, General Terms of Service and FAQ page from time to time, and so we invite you to periodically review these pages. When we make changes to these terms, we will update the ‘last modified’ date at the bottom of this page. Your continued use of services following the posting of any changes to these terms means that you accept such changes.
Information in these conditions is governed by the laws of Canada. Any dispute arising from the use of information or services provided on www.barbaralynnburns.com will be governed by the laws of Canada.
These Terms of Service were last updated on October 18, 2020.